Online elections for any industry
Annual general meetings
- Approve Board of Directors, either individually or the entire slate
- Vote on motions
Religious conventions
- Vote by order
- Select among a slate of hundreds of candidates
- Conduct multiple ballots
- Approve resolutions and amendments to bylaws
Political elections
- Conduct simultaneous voting sessions
- Determine results by a required majority
- Ranked choice voting
- Split votes across answer choices to represent a group of parties (e.g., counties)
- Determine your plank
Annual general meetings
- Approve Board of Directors, either individually or the entire slate
- Vote on motions
Religious conventions
- Vote by order
- Select among a slate of hundreds of candidates
- Conduct multiple ballots
- Approve resolutions and amendments to bylaws.
Political elections
- Conduct simultaneous voting sessions
- Determine results by a required majority threshold instantly
- Ranked choice voting (instant run-off and multiple positions)
- Split votes across answer choices to represent a group of parties (e.g., counties)
- Determine your plank